living fuel recipes

Below are some of the best recipes for LivingFuel SuperGreens and SuperBerry® Super Meals as well as LivingProtein® and other amazing Living Fuel products.

You can be creative by adding additional healthy ingredients to your serving of LivingFuel. Remember, some of the best things in life are acquired tastes. Discover what works for you and your family by trying various juices, fruits, and almond, rice, or oat beverages. There are also tips below you can use to make modifications.

Recipe Tips

  • Frozen fruit will add flavor and texture
  • Banana or TheraSweet® will increase the sweetness
  • A 50-50 milk to water ratio with unsweetened coconut, almond or cashew milk will help stave off hunger
  • Healthy fats like coconut oil or avocado will also help stave off hunger
  • A scoop or two of yogurt will give your smoothie additional thickness

Basic LivingFuel Recipe

For a complete and balanced meal, the basic recipe is to mix one serving (two scoops) of LivingFuel SuperGreens or SuperBerry® with at least 16 ounces of spring water. Shake it up in a BlenderBottle and enjoy!

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SuperBerry® Plus Super Smoothie

A Classic Berry Smoothie that Never Goes Out of Style

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Vanilla Greens Super Smoothie

A Flavorful Way to Enjoy Your Greens

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Cucumber Delight Super Smoothie

A tasty way to enjoy your greens.

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Tropical Super Smoothie

This is a wonderful winter pick-me-up you can enjoy anytime you want a taste of the tropics.

It contains plenty of protein and fresh fruit. It makes a great breakfast an afternoon treat.

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Avocado SuperGreens Smoothie

A nutritious smoothie that is tasty and satisfies hunger for many hours.

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LivingProtein® Super Pancakes

A weekend favorite you can enjoy with the family.

The addition of LivingProtein® makes this recipe not only more flavorful, but full of protein.

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Banana Butter Super Smoothie

The unique combination of peanut butter and banana is unmistakable.

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Fruit Splash Super Smoothie

A fruity smoothie that is a refreshing treat anytime.

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