Health Alerts - Important News from Current Research About Health and Nutrition

Archives for June, 2022

Antibiotics Hamper Athletic Performance

Antibiotics can kill more than bacteria.

Scientists from the University of California at Riverside found when antibiotics kill off bacteria in the gut it can also kill an athlete’s motivation and endurance.

, June 06, 2022

Polyphenols Critical for Kidney Function

Don't neglect colorful fruits and vegetables when it comes to kidney health.

New research from the University of Barcelona highlights the added importance of polyphenols on kidney function in older people through the development of the metabolite IPA.

, June 13, 2022

40-Year-Olds Get the Least Sleep

Why 40-year-olds always look tired.

New research from the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University shows that on average the years in the 40s is when busy Americans get the least amount of sleep during their lifetime.

, June 20, 2022

Sports Not Screens Make Kids Happier

It's better for kids to mingle than isolate.

New research from the University of South Australia showed kids who participate in after-school activities like sports are happier than their peers glued to screens.

, June 27, 2022

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