Health Alerts - Important News from Current Research About Health and Nutrition

Archives for July, 2024

Brain Boost from Exercise can Last Years

Strenuous exercise can benefit the brain for a long time.

New research from the University of Queensland in Australia found high-intensity interval exercise over a six-month period improves brain function in older adults for up to five years.

, July 15, 2024

Mom's Fiber Intake Protects Developing Baby's Heart

Fiber is good for pregnant women because it help's their baby's heart.

Scientists from Monash University in Australia working with mice found that a mother's high-fiber diet during pregnancy can provide her baby's heart added protection from cardiovascular disease.

, July 22, 2024

Plant-Based Nitrate Better than from Animals

Not all dietary nitrate should be avoided.

Researchers from Edith Cowan University (ECU) in Australia found nitrate from plant sources are associated with a lower risk of mortality, while nitrate from animal-based foods and processed meat is linked to a higher risk of mortality.

, July 08, 2024

More Activity Needed to Prevent Strokes

You need to keep moving if you want to decrease your chances of having a stroke.

When it comes to stroke prevention, a new study from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden shows it's the exercise you do in your free time that determines the likelihood of you avoiding a stroke.

, July 29, 2024

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