Health Alerts - Important News from Current Research About Health and Nutrition

Archives for January, 2021

An Avocado a Day Keeps Your Tummy Happy

Avocados are good for the microbes in your digestive tract.

Researchers from the University of Illinois found study participants who ate an avocado a day improved their gut health by increasing the amount and the diversity of healthy gut microbes in their digestive tract.

, January 04, 2021

Midlife Exercise Linked to Late Life Brain Health

Exercise is often thought of as healthy for the heart but new research shows it's also healthy for the brain.

Scientists have discovered people who are more physically active in midlife are more likely to have better brain health later in life.

, January 11, 2021

Gut Health Linked to Sleep Health

A healthy gut microbiome may be important to healthy sleep.

Japanese researchers found mice with depleted gut bacteria had trouble producing serotonin which they believe led to difficulty sleeping.

, January 18, 2021

Fat But Fit is Still Bad for the Heart

It's not enough just to be fit, you need to be trim as well.

Spanish researchers have found physical activity is not enough to undo the negative effects of excess body weight on the heart.

, January 25, 2021

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