Health Alerts - Important News from Current Research About Health and Nutrition

Archives for September, 2023

Playing Sports Helps a Child’s Mental Health

Sports can counterbalance the effects of social media for mental health.

Playing sports has been shown by researchers in Australia to have long-term mental health benefits for those who participate.

, September 11, 2023

Healthy Snacking Promotes Healthy Shopping

Studies show it's good to snack before you shop.

Researchers found those who ate a healthy snack before shopping bought more healthy items than those who ate a treat or shopped on an empty stomach.

, September 18, 2023

Almonds are Good for Weight Loss and Heart Health

Fat in nuts does not need to be feared.

Researchers in Australia found adding almonds to a low-calorie diet can help you lose weight and improve your heart health, despite their fat content.

, September 25, 2023

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