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Once a Week Sufficient for Weightlifting Seniors

New research shows just one day a week has benefits for seniors when it comes to lifting weights.

Lifting weights is great for seniors when it comes to maintaining strength and flexibility but it doesn't have to be a full-time pursuit because new research shows it positively affects blood values, muscle strength and even mental wellbeing with just one session a week in those in the 65-75 age range.

, March 04, 2019

Exercise is Beneficial Before Surgery

Being in shape before surgery is helpful in preventing damage that can occur as a result.

A new study shows people who exercise are less susceptible to the muscle and nerve damage that can typically occur when blood flow is restored to an area after being restricted like during surgery.

, January 21, 2019

Exercise Makes 70 the New 40

The key to living long and living well is not modern medicine but old fashioned exercise according to researchers at Ball State University.

People in their 70s who have been exercising throughout their lifetime have the muscle fitness as well as heart and lung capacities of healthy people in their 40s.

, December 03, 2018

Leftovers Can Trick You Into Eating More

Learn how the psychology of leftovers can fool you

As restaurant portion sizes have grown, weight-conscious diners wanting to control their intake have started taking more food home. But that choice is leading some well-intentioned people to overindulge because their mind is tricking them into letting their guard down.

, October 01, 2018

Inactivity is Common Around the Globe

It appears too many people are growing couch potatoes in their home garden

Survey results are in and 1.4 billion people or more than 25 percent of the world’s adult population is not getting enough physical activity according to researchers at the World Health Organization. While the global numbers are bad, it’s worse in America.

, September 10, 2018

Walking Faster Could Lead to a Longer Life

This is good news for those who like to go for a walk

If you walk faster it makes sense you will get to your destination sooner. But if that destination is the end of your life, a new study shows walking faster may mean it takes you longer to get there.

, June 11, 2018

Exercise is More Powerful than Genes in the Battle of the Bulge

This research gives hope to those who don't want to settle for being "born that way"

If your jeans are too tight and you think it’s just a function of your genes, there is hope. A new study shows older women don’t have to give in to the notion they were born to be fat because exercise is more powerful than genetics when it comes to determining body mass.

, May 21, 2018

Five Ingredients in the Recipe for Longer Life

Researchers have been able to quantify the cumulative effect of these healthy habits

While the individual elements are well-known components of a healthy lifestyle, a new study shows there are five lifestyle changes that when combined can increase life expectancy by a total of 12 years or more.

, May 07, 2018

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