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Cognitive Abilities Linked to Fitness Levels in Preschoolers

Children who are active may have an advantage in the classroom.

Scientists from the University of Illinois discovered preschoolers with higher fitness levels than their peers also scored better on cognitive tests and other measures of brain function.

, February 22, 2021

Fat But Fit is Still Bad for the Heart

It's not enough just to be fit, you need to be trim as well.

Spanish researchers have found physical activity is not enough to undo the negative effects of excess body weight on the heart.

, January 25, 2021

Midlife Exercise Linked to Late Life Brain Health

Exercise is often thought of as healthy for the heart but new research shows it's also healthy for the brain.

Scientists have discovered people who are more physically active in midlife are more likely to have better brain health later in life.

, January 11, 2021

Less Exercise Could Mean More Depression

Exercise may be the antidote to depression as a result of pandemic lockdowns.

Researchers at University College London found people with low aerobic and muscular fitness are almost twice as likely to experience depression.

, November 16, 2020

The Impact of Exercise on the Brain

Exercise is not only heart healthy it's brain healthy.

Researchers from the University of Geneva in Switzerland have found a correlation between exercise and brain function they believe could be helpful in developing programs to reduce the effects of neurodegeneration on memory.

, November 02, 2020

Yoga and Meditation Shown to Reduce Chronic Pain

Yoga and meditation could be used as an alternative to medication for chronic pain.

A total of 89 percent of respondents in an eight-week study said yoga and meditation helped them find better ways to cope with their chronic pain.

, October 05, 2020

Vitamin C Linked to Muscle Retention over Age 50

Vitamin C is important if you want to avoid sarcopenia as you age.

Researchers from the University of East Anglia in England discovered the seniors they studied who had the highest levels of vitamin C circulating in their bloodstream also had the highest levels of muscle mass.

, September 21, 2020

Exercise Saves 4 Million Lives Each Year

Exercise was shown to be critical to preventing premature deaths.

Researchers from the Universities of Cambridge and Edinburgh came to the conclusion that physical activity prevents at least 3.9 million deaths around the world each year.

, June 29, 2020

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