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Weekend Warriors Benefit as Much as Regular Exercisers

Don't be discouraged if you can't exercise every day during the week.

New research from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) shows that those who confine their exercise to one or two days a week have similar heart-health benefits as those who exercise more often, as long as they reach the target of threshold of 150 minutes.

, July 24, 2023

Kids in Better Shape are Sharper in the Classroom

Improving your fitness level may improve your grades in the classroom.

Researchers at Nottingham Trent University in England found the fittest adolescents showed better attention, perception and memory, as well as higher-level decision making and complex thinking than their less-fit classmates.

, May 22, 2023

Better Eating Improves Your Fitness

Eat better and you will see an improvement in your fitness level.

A new report from the European Society of Cardiology says by just incorporating a better diet you will improve your fitness level.

, May 15, 2023

Exercise Boosts Immune Response in Cancer Patients

It's not time to rest after a cancer diagnosis.

Scientists in Finland have found the resulting immune stimulation from exercise reduces the side effects of cancer treatments and improves the quality of life and prognosis of cancer patients.

, May 08, 2023

Muscle Contractions Help Fight Breast Cancer

Working out can help protect you from breast cancer.

Texas A&M researchers have found a direct link between muscle contraction and a reduction in breast cancer.

, March 27, 2023

Exercise is Superior to Drugs for Depression

You may want to go to the gym instead of the doctor if you are feeling depressed.

Research from the University of South Australia shows a recommendation to exercise may be a better option because physical activity is 1.5 times more effective than counseling or drugs.

, March 06, 2023

Exercise and Fasting Improve Liver Health

Simple steps to improve the condition of your liver

A new study from the University of Chicago found alternate-day fasting along with aerobic exercise was able to successfully reduce the fat buildup in their study subjects.

, February 20, 2023

Exercise Desire Could be a Gut Reaction

A possible answer to why some days you don't feel like exercising.

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found a direct connection between gut bacteria and the motivation to exercise.

, December 28, 2022

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