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Almonds are Good for Weight Loss and Heart Health

Fat in nuts does not need to be feared.

Researchers in Australia found adding almonds to a low-calorie diet can help you lose weight and improve your heart health, despite their fat content.

, September 25, 2023

Healthy Snacking Promotes Healthy Shopping

Studies show it's good to snack before you shop.

Researchers found those who ate a healthy snack before shopping bought more healthy items than those who ate a treat or shopped on an empty stomach.

, September 18, 2023

High Sugar Consumption Linked to Kidney Stones

Easy on the sugar if you are susceptible to kidney stones.

A new study suggests that high sugar intake increases your chances of developing a kidney stone by nearly 40 percent.

, August 21, 2023

Pecans Shown to Reduce Inflammation and Curb Diabetes

Fearing fat might not be founded as long as it's the right fat.

Researchers at Texas A&M University have found daily pecan consumption can reduce inflammation and prevent obesity, as well as related issues such as fatty liver disease and diabetes.

, August 14, 2023

Vegetarians at Greater Risk for Broken Hip

Be careful if all you eat is vegetables.

A new study from the University of Leeds in England found both men and women who follow a vegetarian diet have a 50 percent greater risk of suffering a hip fracture compared to people who eat meat.

, August 07, 2023

Breastfed Babies More Likely to Survive

For those who are able, breastfeeding is a way to protect infants.

New research shows babies had a 33 percent reduced risk of dying in their first year of life if they were breastfed.

, July 31, 2023

Higher Carotene Levels Linked to Clearer Arteries

Eating carrots and other colorful fruits and vegetables could cut your cardiovascular disease risk.

Researchers from the University of Catalonia in Spain found a high level of carotenes in the blood is linked to a lower incidence of atherosclerotic plaque in the arteries which translates to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

, July 17, 2023

High Dose Vitamin D Reduced A-fib Risk

Vitamin D could be the key to heart rhythm problems.

New research from the University of Eastern Finland found taking higher-than-recommended doses of vitamin D was able to reduce the risk of A-fib in older men and women in their study.

, July 03, 2023

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