Antibiotics can kill more than bacteria.
Scientists from the University of California at Riverside found when antibiotics kill off bacteria in the gut it can also kill an athlete’s motivation and endurance.
Staff Reports,
June 06, 2022
Consider adding choline to your list of prenatal vitamins
A study at Cornell University that showed choline is critical by itself and also helps the mother more efficiently use DHA, which is essential for fetal brain, cognition and vision development.
Staff Reports,
May 23, 2022
Another study shows why blueberries are considered a superfruit.
A new study from the University of Cincinnati found that adding blueberries to your diet may lower your chances of developing dementia.
Staff Reports,
May 16, 2022
If you weigh more you will need more vitamin C.
Researchers in New Zealand have determined the amount of vitamin C you need for immunity is relative to your body weight and should be increased if you are heavier.
Staff Reports,
May 09, 2022
Cut the calories if you want to improve your gut health and your immunity.
A new study from Germany shows a reduced-calorie diet has the power to change your gut’s microbiome and slow down the natural deterioration of the immune system with aging known as immune senescence.
Staff Reports,
May 02, 2022
Vitamin K could protect you from cognitive decline as you age.
A new laboratory study conducted on rats in Saudi Arabia shows the benefits of vitamin K when it comes to protecting the brain against age-related structural and cognitive deterioration.
Staff Reports,
April 11, 2022
You may want to add avocados to your diet if you are concerned about your heart.
New research from Harvard shows there is a correlation between two or more servings of avocado per week and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.
Staff Reports,
April 04, 2022
Adding cranberries to your diet could be a heart-healthy decision.
Researchers in London found daily cranberry consumption significantly improves cardiovascular health.
Staff Reports,
March 28, 2022