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Healthy Eating Could Lead to a Bigger Brain

The key to brain preservation could be healthy eating during your middle years.

Scientists from Deakin University found healthy eating during midlife could be the key to increased brain volume and a reduced risk of dementia and other degenerative brain disorders as people age.

, December 20, 2021

Juice-Drinking Babies More Susceptible to Obesity

Giving juice to babies could lead to health problems as they age.

Research shows introducing fruit juice at an early age to children could lead to a greater intake of sugary drinks later in childhood resulting in higher odds for obesity and tooth decay.

, December 13, 2021

Raise the Spices to Lower Your Blood Pressure

Adding spices to your food might be more important than reducing salt when it comes to your health.

A new study from Penn State University showed that adding herbs and spices to food was able to lower the blood pressure of study participants even without them cutting back on sodium.

, November 15, 2021

Leaky Guts Patched by Polyphenols

Eating the right foods has the potential to prevent or heal a leaky gut.

New research from Europe shows a diet high in plant-derived polyphenols has the ability to fortify the intestinal lining and decrease intestinal permeability in the elderly.

, November 08, 2021

Spinach Could Protect You from Colon Cancer

Add another benefit of eating spinach to the list.

Researchers from Texas A&M University recently found eating spinach could protect you from colon cancer.

, October 11, 2021

Eating Nuts Won’t Make You Fat

You should not be afraid of gaining weight from eating nuts.

A review of the data by researchers at the University of Toronto shows eating nuts does not contribute to weight gain.

, September 27, 2021

Fat is Better Predictor than Muscle for Heart Health

Your heart would like you to lose fat rather than gain muscle.

Researchers from the University of Bristol in England have determined early markers of heart health are impacted more by losing fat than gaining muscle.

, September 20, 2021

Healthy Eating Lessens the Chances of COVID-19

What you eat is important when it comes to staying healthy in this pandemic

Researchers from King’s College London and Harvard Medical School discovered a healthy diet lessens a person’s chances of contracting COVID-19 by as much as 10 percent and cuts the likelihood of serious illness by 40 percent.

, September 13, 2021

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