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Vitamin D Critical for Maintaining Muscle Strength

Vitamin D is critical if you want to maintain muscle strength as you get older.

New research shows vitamin D is critical to muscle strength as a deficiency in that vitamin increases the risk of dynapenia by as much as 78 percent.

, December 22, 2022

Prunes are Great for Bone Health

This is why everyone should eat prunes.

Scientists at Penn State University found daily prune consumption can help prevent bone loss and preserve bone strength.

, December 19, 2022

Protein-Starved Bodies Tend to Overeat

Study shows you should eat more protein if you want to weigh less.

Researchers in Australia have found a direct link between the overconsumption of highly processed and refined foods and rising rates of obesity because those foods generally lack protein.

, December 05, 2022

Fermented foods Increase Microbiota Diversity and Reduce Inflammation

Fermented foods appear to be more beneficial to gut bacteria than fiber.

A study from Stanford University found a diet rich in fermented foods enhances the diversity of gut microbes while also decreasing the molecular signs of inflammation, results not seen from fiber intake alone

, November 07, 2022

Polyphenols Associated with Better Cardiovascular Health

Polyphenols are good for building a healthy cardiovascular profile at a young age.

Researchers in Spain found that adolescents who had higher levels of polyphenols in their system had better cardiovascular health metrics than those with less polyphenols.

, October 31, 2022

Depression Linked to Western-Style Diet

Beware of what you eat because it could lead to depression.

Researchers in Australia have found those eating a Western-style diet, which is high in fat, sugar and processed foods, are more likely to be depressed than those who eat a diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables.

, October 24, 2022

The Living Fuel Story - Hope and Transformation

Learn how Living Fuel was born through the changing of one life.

KC Craichy was determined to find answers to the deep depression and anxiety his wife Monica was facing.

, October 17, 2022

Folic Acid May Help Prevent Suicides

Taking folic acid may keep someone from taking their life.

New research from the University of Chicago shows folic acid is associated with a decreased risk of suicide attempts.

, October 03, 2022

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