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Frequent Aspirin Use Increases the Risk of Bleeding

New research has people thinking about the risks of aspirin use because of hidden dangers

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that taking aspirin on a regular basis to prevent heart attacks and strokes can increase the risk of a major bleeding episode nearly 50 percent.

, January 28, 2019

Study Shows How Fiber Protects the Heart

The connection between the gut and heart health is built on a diet rich in fiber.

In a study published in the journal Circulation, researchers from the Experimental and Clinical Research Center in Berlin detailed how the short-chain fatty acid propionate was beneficial in limiting the damage of high blood pressure in mice.

, January 07, 2019

Green Leafy Veggies May Combat Fatty Liver Disease

Spinach and other green leafy vegetables may help a condition for which there is currently no known treatment.

Inorganic nitrate found in green leafy vegetables may help reduce the accumulation of fat in the liver. It was shown to be effective in keeping mice from a buildup of fat in laboratory experiments.

, December 21, 2018

Nutrition Scientist Discovers Longevity Vitamins

Nutrition researcher Bruce Ames says the key to healthy aging is adequate consumptions of what he calls “longevity vitamins.”

Using his own research and the findings of other scientists, Ames identified a key class of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients vital to longevity and staving off chronic conditions like heart disease, cancer and possibly neurodegeneration.

, December 17, 2018

Lack of Vitamin D Increases Depression Risk

The important of vitamin D in keeping depression at bay as people age is confirmed in the results of this new study.

Researchers at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland found a deficiency in vitamin D among the 4,000 study participants 50-years-of-age and older equated to a 75% greater risk of developing depression.

, December 10, 2018

Sugary Drinks Shown to Be Addictive

Researchers at the University of California have determined sugary drinks may be addictive.

Their link to a long list of poor health consequences such as obesity and diabetes is well established, but studies now show sugary drinks may be addictive. Researchers at the University of California observed signs of addiction in their study of teens in the San Francisco area.

, November 26, 2018

Probiotics Shown to Increase Bone Density

Probiotics could eventually be used to treat osteoporosis as a result of the information learned in this recent study.

Scientists at Emory University have determined probiotics helped increase bone volume in mice and are hoping to see if a similar result can be found in humans.

, November 19, 2018

Spinach Could Help Prevent Macular Degeneration

The key to protecting your eyes from age-related macular degeneration may just be in what you eat.

Researchers in Australia have learned vegetable nitrites, which are found in abundance in beetroot and leafy green vegetables like spinach, could help reduce the chance of developing early-stage age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

, November 05, 2018

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