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More Oranges Means Less Macular Degeneration

Oranges can be a powerful weapon in the fight against this blinding condition

An orange a day keeps the ophthalmologist away is a new saying that could grow in popularity now that Australian researchers have discovered people who eat oranges are less likely to develop macular degeneration.

, July 16, 2018

Healthy Mothers Are Less Likely to Have Obese Children

This research shows the power mothers have in helping the next generation maintain good health

The saying in parenting that behavior is more caught than taught seems to apply to a healthy weight range as well. The results of a new study published in the British Medical Journal show children are a lot less likely to be obese if their mother sticks to a healthy routine.

, July 09, 2018

Gut Bacteria May Be Linked to Depression

More evidence of the importance of the microscopic bacteria living in your intestines

The importance of a healthy gut microbiome is reinforced by new research that suggests depression and anxiety may be linked to gut bacteria in obese people. Noticing that obese people with type 2 diabetes were more likely to suffer from acute depression, researchers at the Joslin Diabetes Center at Harvard Medical School set out to understand what factors might be the cause.

, July 02, 2018

More Vitamin D Equates to Less Breast Cancer

This study adds evidence to the claim vitamin D is one of the most important for good health

You can chalk up another benefit for higher levels of vitamin D as a new study shows it’s associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women. That’s according to a new report from researchers at the University of California San Diego.

, June 25, 2018

Daily Egg Consumption Can Be Heart Healthy

This research busts the myth about eggs being bad for you

The advice from conventional medicine regarding eggs may be changing as a result of a recent study so what was once forbidden may now be encouraged. Previously, it was thought egg consumption contributed to cardiovascular disease, but the results of an observational study in China published in the journal Heart dispel that myth.­

, June 04, 2018

Releasing Vitamin D’s Power in Battling Diabetes

More good news has been discovered for those suffering from diabetes

The D in vitamin D does not stand for diabetes, but you might start thinking that way as new research from the Salk Institute shows it could hold the key in helping patients with type 2 diabetes. Scientists revealed in the journal Cell a potential new approach to treating diabetes that involves protecting beta cells with vitamin D.

, May 14, 2018

Five Ingredients in the Recipe for Longer Life

Researchers have been able to quantify the cumulative effect of these healthy habits

While the individual elements are well-known components of a healthy lifestyle, a new study shows there are five lifestyle changes that when combined can increase life expectancy by a total of 12 years or more.

, May 07, 2018

High Fat Meals with High Sugar Set the Stage for Heart Disease

You may want to think twice before you indulge in a high-fat, high-sugar treat

If you don’t think one milkshake can make a difference in your health, the results of a recent study may change your mind. The combination of high fat and high sugar from just one milkshake was enough to trigger the beginnings of heart disease.

, April 23, 2018

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