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Good Sleep Stimulates Immunity

Why getting some good sleep helps hen you are sick.

Scientists believe they now we know why sleep helps when you are sick as new research from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in Germany shows what happens to the immune system when someone gets good sleep.

, March 11, 2024

Increasing Youth Sports Participation Could Save Billions

Getting kids to play sports when they are young increases the chances they will be healthier later in life.

Researchers at City University of New York say by increasing participation to targeted levels by 2030 could improve physical and mental health of many children and save as much as $80 billion in direct medical costs and productivity losses.

, March 04, 2024

Fewer Steps are Still Good for Heart Health

Don't feel bad if you had a goal of 10,000 steps per day but you are not reaching it.

Researchers from the University at Buffalo found the actual number of daily steps needed by older adults to substantially reduce the risk of heart failure is actually much less.

, February 26, 2024

Strength Training Helps with Depression and Anxiety

Consider going to the gym next time you feel depressed.

Researchers at the University of Limerick in Ireland and Iowa State University teamed up to confirm the benefits of resistance exercise in the treatment of anxiety and depression.

, February 15, 2024

Getting the Most Vitamin D From Eggs

Watch how you cook your eggs if you care about vitamin D.

Researchers at Newcastle University in England studied preparation methods and determined scrambled or poached eggs allow you to retain the most vitamin D during the cooking process.

, February 08, 2024

How Fasting Fights Inflammation

A simple way to get inflammation under control.

The simple technique of fasting has been shown to fight inflammation and researchers from the University of Cambridge believe they now know why.

, February 05, 2024

Inflammatory Foods Linked to Muscle Weakness

Be careful in what you eat if you want to maintain your strength as you get older.

New research from the University of the Sunshine Coast in Australia shows those who avoid inflammatory foods are able to keep their muscle mass and strength longer than those don’t necessarily watch what they eat.

, January 29, 2024

Plant Protein Helps Women Preserve Health

Why it's important for women to increase their intake of plant protein.

New research from Tufts University found women who consume higher amounts of protein, especially plant-based protein, are more likely to to be healthier and develop fewer chronic diseases as they age.

, January 22, 2024

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