Health Alerts - Important News from Current Research About Health and Nutrition

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Fat Metabolism Affected by Lack of Sleep

Some answers are revealed as to why those who sleep less tend to weigh more.

Penn State researchers explained In a report in the Journal of Lipid Research how lack of sleep can lead people to feel less full after eating and how it causes the body to store more fat.

, September 23, 2019

Vitamin D Critical During Pregnancy

This one vitamin alone is responsible for a lot of good during pregnancy.

New research shows vitamin D supplementation by expectant mothers helps the baby avoid a low birthweight and could keep the mother from experiencing a wide range of health issues.

, September 16, 2019

Mouthwash Blocks the Benefits of Exercise

Rinsing your mouth with antibacterial mouthwash after working out is not a good idea.

Researchers at the University of Plymouth (England) have discovered using antibacterial mouthwash after working out cuts the blood pressure reduction of exercise by as much as 60 percent.

, September 09, 2019

Fried Foods Worsen Colon Troubles

Fried foods cause a long list of health problems in the colon according to new research.

Scientists fed mice canola oil that had previously been used in a deep-fryer and it caused an increase in inflammation in the colon, enhanced tumor growth and worsened gut leakage which spread bacteria into the bloodstream.

, August 30, 2019

Scientists Show it’s Possible to Reverse Brain Aging

Scientists have discovered a way to reverse the aging of brain cells in a lab and hope to build on that research.

Through a novel approach to looking at brain aging, researchers at the University of Cambridge were able to cause old brain cells in rats to rejuvenate and act like younger cells and also make young cells behave like old cells.

, August 26, 2019

Resistance Training Beneficial for Cardiovascular Disease

Lifting weights can help those with peripheral artery disease get past the leg cramps from walking.

Researchers from the University of New South Wales have found resistance training can be an effective supplement to the current gold standard prescription of interval walking, which can trigger pain.

, August 12, 2019

Medical Radiation Jump Starts Cancer Cells

CT Scans are thought to be safe but new research shows there is a cancer concern.

Researchers from the University of Cambridge found even low doses of radiation promoted the spread of cancer-capable cells in healthy tissue.

, August 05, 2019

Babies on Farms Build Better Immune Systems

Too clean might not be good when it comes to raising children.

Researchers found babies exposed to farm animals while growing up have a more diverse gut microbiome and robust immune system.

, July 29, 2019

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