Health Alerts - Important News from Current Research About Health and Nutrition

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Spinach Could Help Prevent Macular Degeneration

The key to protecting your eyes from age-related macular degeneration may just be in what you eat.

Researchers in Australia have learned vegetable nitrites, which are found in abundance in beetroot and leafy green vegetables like spinach, could help reduce the chance of developing early-stage age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

, November 05, 2018

Fish Oil Slows Breast Cancer Development

Researchers saw surprising results in mice prone to develop breast cancer when the mice were given omega 3 fatty acids.

Mice given a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids had fewer and smaller tumors than those on a diet rich in omega 6 polyunsaturated fats. That’s what researchers from the University of Nebraska Medical Center found.

, October 29, 2018

Omega 3 from Seafood Linked to Healthy Aging

People are living longer but not necessarily enjoying that time because of chronic illnesses. Fish oil may reduce the risk of chronic illness in the aged.

While modern medicine has been able to successfully extend people’s lifespan, research is continually showing nutritional choices are more responsible for whether those people have an extended healthspan.

, October 22, 2018

Gut Bacteria Linked to Heart Transplant Success Rate

Increasing anit-inflammatory bacteria could increase long-term transplant success rate

More evidence of the importance of a healthy gut microbiome has been discovered as researchers have found a link between gut bacteria and heart transplant failure rates.

, October 15, 2018

Leftovers Can Trick You Into Eating More

Learn how the psychology of leftovers can fool you

As restaurant portion sizes have grown, weight-conscious diners wanting to control their intake have started taking more food home. But that choice is leading some well-intentioned people to overindulge because their mind is tricking them into letting their guard down.

, October 01, 2018

Cancer Patients Lose More Weight on Ketogenic Diet

The popular diet show promise for cancer patients

Cancer patients who followed a ketogenic diet were more successful in losing body fat and lowering their insulin levels compared to similar patients who followed an American Cancer Society-recommended low-fat diet. Those are the results of a study published by the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

, September 24, 2018

Antibiotics Kill Immune Cells and Can Make Oral Infections Worse

This study shows how antibiotics can go too far and also kill good bacteria

A new study from researchers at Case Western University shows how antibiotics can actually do more harm than good by destroying good bacteria that would normally attack an oral infection and reduce inflammation.

, September 17, 2018

Inactivity is Common Around the Globe

It appears too many people are growing couch potatoes in their home garden

Survey results are in and 1.4 billion people or more than 25 percent of the world’s adult population is not getting enough physical activity according to researchers at the World Health Organization. While the global numbers are bad, it’s worse in America.

, September 10, 2018

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