Health Alerts - Important News from Current Research About Health and Nutrition

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Hydration's Importance when Hiking in the Heat

Plan carefully if you plan to hike in the summer heat.

A new study from Arizona State University highlights the critical importance of hikers staying hydrated in the heat of the summer.

, July 20, 2020

Accidental Discovery Cures Parkinson’s Disease in Mice

Findings could bring hope to many with neurodegenerative diseases.

Researchers found by silencing a particular protein that affects gene expression they were able to regenerate brain cells and reverse Parkinson’s disease in mice.

, July 13, 2020

Fat Deposits Tied to Excess Sugar Intake

Excess sugar can lead to dangerous fat deposits.

Researchers found fat from excess sugar can accumulate around heart and other organs leading to a cascade of adverse health consequences.

, July 06, 2020

Exercise Saves 4 Million Lives Each Year

Exercise was shown to be critical to preventing premature deaths.

Researchers from the Universities of Cambridge and Edinburgh came to the conclusion that physical activity prevents at least 3.9 million deaths around the world each year.

, June 29, 2020

Stem Cell Study Shows Fish Oil Helps Depression

Fish oil has been known to help depression and scientists now understand it more.

Omega-3 fish oil created an antidepressant response in all people regardless of whether they are prone to respond to pharmaceutical drugs.

, June 22, 2020

Listening to Mozart Reduces Epileptic Seizures

Listening to classical music might become a novel therapy for epilepsy patients.

Researchers in Canada saw epilepsy patients reduce their seizure count by 35 percent after listening to Mozart daily for three months.

, June 15, 2020

Natural Light Equals Better Sleep and Brain Power

The amount of natural light office workers see can make a difference in their lives.

A newly released study showed office workers exposed to natural light during the day slept an average of 37 additional minutes at night and scored 42 percent better on cognitive tests compared to those exposed to only artificial light.

, June 08, 2020

Exercise Improves Brain Blood Flow and Memory

Improving your memory may be as simple as going out for a jog.

Researchers at UT Southwestern in Dallas were able to use imaging technology to map blood flow changes in the brain to areas associated with memory as a result of aerobic exercise.

, June 01, 2020

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