Health Alerts - Important News from Current Research About Health and Nutrition

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Folic Acid May Help Prevent Suicides

Taking folic acid may keep someone from taking their life.

New research from the University of Chicago shows folic acid is associated with a decreased risk of suicide attempts.

, October 03, 2022

More Information Doesn’t Always Mean Better Eating

Knowing and doing are two different things when it comes to healthy eating.

A new report from Tufts University that shows eating habits globally are virtually the same as they were 30 years ago, before the Internet became the go-to place for advice.

, September 26, 2022

Research Shows the Sleepy are More Stingy

Sleep affects more than your physical health.

New research from the University of California at Berkeley shows a lack of sleep can inhibit your social conscience and make you less willing to help others and be more stingy with your money.

, September 18, 2022

More is Better When it comes to Exercise

Exercising more than recommended is a good thing according to new research.

New study data published by the American Heart Association shows people who exercise twice as much and up to four times the recommended weekly amount have a significantly reduced risk of mortality.

, September 12, 2022

Vegetarians More Likely to Break a Hip

Don't skimp on the meat if you want to keep your bones strong.

New research from the University of Leeds in the UK found that middle-aged women who ate a vegetarian diet had a 33% higher risk of hip fracture compared to regular meat-eaters.

, August 31, 2022

Sleeping Less for Teens Means More Weight

If your teen is not getting enough sleep you may need to buy them bigger clothes.

New research from the European Society of Cardiology which found teenagers who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to be overweight or obese compared to their well-rested peers.

, August 29, 2022

GlyNAC Reverses Aging in Humans

This supplement combination shows tremendous promise for extending life.

Following up on their groundbreaking study that showed a 24% increase in lifespan for mice, scientists at the Baylor University College of Medicine have found supplementation with GlyNAC, a combination of glycine and N-acetylcysteine, reverses many hallmarks of aging in elderly humans.

, August 22, 2022

Chronic Inflammation Linked to Low Vitamin D

More time in the sun could help with inflammation.

A new study from the University of South Australia shows there is a direct link between low vitamin D levels and high levels of inflammation.

, August 15, 2022

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