Health Alerts - Important News from Current Research About Health and Nutrition

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Vitamin D Critical to Muscle Function for Seniors

It takes more than just exercise to keep muscles working properly as we age.

A new study revealed the prevalence of muscle weakness was twice as high among adults with a vitamin D deficiency and impaired muscle performance was three times higher among those with low levels of vitamin D.

, October 28, 2019

You Burn Twice as Much Fat Exercising Before Breakfast

When you eat in relation to exercise can have a "profound and positive" effect on the outcome.

Researchers from the Universities of Bath and Birmingham in England found men who worked out before breakfast burned twice as much fat as those who ate first.

, October 21, 2019

The Direct Link Between Diet and Depression

Researchers in Australia have discovered there is direct link between your mood and what you eat.

Young adults with depression had significantly fewer symptoms of depression after just three weeks of switching to a healthier diet.

, October 14, 2019

Doctors are Changing Their Minds on Daily Aspirin

A doctor in Canada is urging his colleagues to discontinue prescribing aspirin as a preventative measure.

Researchers Michael Kolber and Paul Fritsch say aspirin poses a serious risk for major bleeding episodes and should not be prescribed for those without a history of cardiovascular disease.

, October 07, 2019

Surgery Might Be Unnecessary for Shoulder Fracture

Pins, screws and plates might not be the best course of action to heal a broken shoulder.

New research reveals a more conservative approach that includes just immobilizing the shoulder in a sling to could be just as effective as surgery when healing a shoulder fracture.

, September 30, 2019

Fat Metabolism Affected by Lack of Sleep

Some answers are revealed as to why those who sleep less tend to weigh more.

Penn State researchers explained In a report in the Journal of Lipid Research how lack of sleep can lead people to feel less full after eating and how it causes the body to store more fat.

, September 23, 2019

Vitamin D Critical During Pregnancy

This one vitamin alone is responsible for a lot of good during pregnancy.

New research shows vitamin D supplementation by expectant mothers helps the baby avoid a low birthweight and could keep the mother from experiencing a wide range of health issues.

, September 16, 2019

Mouthwash Blocks the Benefits of Exercise

Rinsing your mouth with antibacterial mouthwash after working out is not a good idea.

Researchers at the University of Plymouth (England) have discovered using antibacterial mouthwash after working out cuts the blood pressure reduction of exercise by as much as 60 percent.

, September 09, 2019

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