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Daily Egg Consumption Can Be Heart Healthy

This research busts the myth about eggs being bad for you

The advice from conventional medicine regarding eggs may be changing as a result of a recent study so what was once forbidden may now be encouraged. Previously, it was thought egg consumption contributed to cardiovascular disease, but the results of an observational study in China published in the journal Heart dispel that myth.­

, June 04, 2018

Exercise is More Powerful than Genes in the Battle of the Bulge

This research gives hope to those who don't want to settle for being "born that way"

If your jeans are too tight and you think it’s just a function of your genes, there is hope. A new study shows older women don’t have to give in to the notion they were born to be fat because exercise is more powerful than genetics when it comes to determining body mass.

, May 21, 2018

Releasing Vitamin D’s Power in Battling Diabetes

More good news has been discovered for those suffering from diabetes

The D in vitamin D does not stand for diabetes, but you might start thinking that way as new research from the Salk Institute shows it could hold the key in helping patients with type 2 diabetes. Scientists revealed in the journal Cell a potential new approach to treating diabetes that involves protecting beta cells with vitamin D.

, May 14, 2018

Five Ingredients in the Recipe for Longer Life

Researchers have been able to quantify the cumulative effect of these healthy habits

While the individual elements are well-known components of a healthy lifestyle, a new study shows there are five lifestyle changes that when combined can increase life expectancy by a total of 12 years or more.

, May 07, 2018

Children Have the Energy Level of Endurance Athletes

Research shows what exhausted parents have known for a long time

If you have ever wondered why children seem to have boundless energy, it probably won’t surprise you to know their capacity for exercise and recovery is equivalent to that of world-class athletes. That’s the finding of a group of researchers in France and Australia in a report published in Frontiers in Physiology.

, April 30, 2018

High Fat Meals with High Sugar Set the Stage for Heart Disease

You may want to think twice before you indulge in a high-fat, high-sugar treat

If you don’t think one milkshake can make a difference in your health, the results of a recent study may change your mind. The combination of high fat and high sugar from just one milkshake was enough to trigger the beginnings of heart disease.

, April 23, 2018

Holding Hands Can Ease Pain

Research show the pain-relieving effect holding hands with a loved one can have

Holding the hand of a loved one that is suffering does more than provide them emotional support, it can actually ease their physical pain. That’s according to new research from the University of Colorado at Boulder.

, April 16, 2018

Exposure to Harmful Chemicals Linked to Restaurant Food

If you are eating restaurant food you may be getting more than you thought

A new study shows it’s not only what’s on the menu that should be a concern, but what comes with your meal at a restaurant that could affect your health. Researchers have determined people who eat out frequently are being exposed to high levels of phthalates in their food.

, April 09, 2018

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