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Vitamin D Can Repair a Broken Heart

This is another reason you may want to get some sun today

More evidence is mounting regarding the importance of vitamin D as a new study conducted at Ohio University shows vitamin D3 can restore damage to the cardiovascular system. Researchers discovered vitamin D3, which is available over the counter and is made naturally through sun exposure on the skin, can help reverse cardiovascular system damage caused by conditions including high blood pressure, diabetes and atherosclerosis.

, January 29, 2018

You Can Keep Your Brain Sharp if You MIND What You Eat

What you eat affects more than your waistline, it also affects how your brain functions

A study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society shows that eating foods from the Mediterranean and MIND diets translates to a lower risk of memory troubles in older adults. Examining nearly 6,000 volunteers in the Health and Retirements study, researchers tracked the responses of the participants regarding their eating habits and then measured their cognitive abilities relating to memory and attention.

, January 29, 2018

Sleep More Weigh Less

More benefits from a good night of sleep are being discovered all of the time

The results of a new study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition show that increasing the amount of sleep you get can lead to lower sugar intake. Researchers at King’s College in London worked with a group of 42 volunteers who were regularly getting less than the recommended minimum seven hours of sleep per night for adults.

, January 22, 2018

A Sauna Can Lower Your Blood Pressure

Relaxing in a sauna can do more than clear the mind, it can also lower your blood pressure

Researchers at the University of Eastern Finland have found that sauna bathing mimics exercise and can lower your blood pressure. Working with a group of 100 volunteers as part of the Sauna and Cardiovascular Health Project, scientists were hoping to learn more about the impact of spending time in a sauna after discovering health benefits in another study.

, January 15, 2018

Vitamin D Can Reduce Arterial Stiffness

The valuable vitamin your body produces from the sun is beneficial for your cardiovascular system

Vitamin D in high doses has been shown to reduce arterial stiffness, an independent predictor of cardiovascular-related disease. Previously recognized for its role in bone health, researchers at the Medical College of Georgia tested the effects of varying doses of vitamin D on 70 African-Americans aged 13-45 who were classified as overweight or obese, but were otherwise relatively healthy.

, January 08, 2018

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