Health Alerts - Important News from Current Research About Health and Nutrition
Eating too much late in the day might not be a good idea.
Scientists at the Open University of Catalonia in Spain and Columbia University in New York found that those who eat more than 45 percent of their daily calories after 5 p.m. have higher glucose levels than those who eat less after that time of day.
Staff Reports,
November 25, 2024
Aerobic fitness appears to be more important than a normal BMI for longevity.
Researchers at the University of Virginia say being fit is more important than not being fat when it comes to mortality risk.
Staff Reports,
November 18, 2024
Vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy is important for the health of the baby in many ways.
Researchers at the University of Southampton in England found children whose mothers were given vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy had healthier bones at age 7 compared to their peers whose mothers did not take vitamin D.
Staff Reports,
November 11, 2024
Don't stress out about having to take a break from exercising.
Researchers at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland found a 10-week break in the middle of a 20-week strength training routine had little effect on the overall development of the participants.
Staff Reports,
November 04, 2024
Real meat burgers are better for muscle protein synthesis than soy patties.
Researchers at the University of Arkansas found you would have to eat twice as many soy-based meat alternative patties to equal the muscle-building potential of one ground beef burger.
Staff Reports,
October 28, 2024
A weighted blanket might be what you need to improve your sleep.
New research from Australia says weighted blankets are effective at improving sleep in adults with insomnia and mental conditions like anxiety and depression.
Staff Reports,
October 21, 2024
There is a synergistic effect when you train your brain at the same time as your body.
Brain endurance training (BET), which is a combination of cognitive training and physical exercise that was developed for elite athletes, has been shown in a study from the University of Birmingham, UK to improve the physical and cognitive abilities of older adults better than exercise alone.
Staff Reports,
October 14, 2024
What most Americans eat is causing inflammation to build up in their bodies.
A new study from Ohio State researchers shows nearly 60 percent of Americans have a pro-inflammatory diet.
Staff Reports,
October 07, 2024