Health Alerts - Important News from Current Research About Health and Nutrition
The nutrition of a pregnant woman affects the mental development of her child.
Scientists from the Seattle Children’s Research Institute found higher levels of a mom’s vitamin D level during pregnancy correlated to greater childhood IQ scores.
Staff Reports,
November 09, 2020
Exercise is not only heart healthy it's brain healthy.
Researchers from the University of Geneva in Switzerland have found a correlation between exercise and brain function they believe could be helpful in developing programs to reduce the effects of neurodegeneration on memory.
Staff Reports,
November 02, 2020
If you have trouble with unwanted thoughts maybe you should improve your sleep.
Researchers have discovered lack of sleep significantly affects your ability to stop unpleasant and unwanted thoughts from entering your mind.
Staff Reports,
October 26, 2020
Learn which vegetables protect you from calcium build up in your arteries.
Australian scientists found older women who ate more cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, kale, cauliflower or Brussels sprouts were much less likely to have extensive calcium build-up on their aorta, which is a key marker for structural blood vessel disease.
Staff Reports,
October 19, 2020
Vitamin D is critical for growth and development according to new research.
Scientists from North Carolina State University found that zebrafish deprived of vitamin D during a critical growth phase were half the size of the others studied and also had significantly more fat reserves.
Staff Reports,
October 12, 2020
Yoga and meditation could be used as an alternative to medication for chronic pain.
A total of 89 percent of respondents in an eight-week study said yoga and meditation helped them find better ways to cope with their chronic pain.
Staff Reports,
October 05, 2020
It seems insomnia can be reduced if you add a little weight to the problem.
Researchers in Sweden found study participants reported significantly reduced insomnia severity, better sleep maintenance, a higher daytime activity level, and reduced symptoms of fatigue, depression and anxiety when sleeping with a weighted chain blanket.
Staff Reports,
September 28, 2020
Vitamin C is important if you want to avoid sarcopenia as you age.
Researchers from the University of East Anglia in England discovered the seniors they studied who had the highest levels of vitamin C circulating in their bloodstream also had the highest levels of muscle mass.
Staff Reports,
September 21, 2020