Health Alerts - Important News from Current Research About Health and Nutrition
You may want to add avocados to your diet if you are concerned about your heart.
New research from Harvard shows there is a correlation between two or more servings of avocado per week and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.
Staff Reports,
April 04, 2022
Adding cranberries to your diet could be a heart-healthy decision.
Researchers in London found daily cranberry consumption significantly improves cardiovascular health.
Staff Reports,
March 28, 2022
Why sleeping in the dark is good for your health.
A new study shows even moderate light exposure during sleep can stress the heart and increase insulin resistance.
Staff Reports,
March 21, 2022
Just two added nutrients could make a big difference in your longevity.
New research from the Baylor University College of Medicine found the combination of glycine and N-acetyl cysteine (GlyNAC) was able to extend the life of laboratory mice by 24 percent.
Staff Reports,
March 14, 2022
Fiber could impact your mental health in addition to your physical health
Japanese research shows a high-fiber diet can impact your brain health as study participants who ate a high-fiber diet suffered fewer cases of dementia.
Staff Reports,
March 07, 2022
Get some good sleep if you want to take care of your heart.
New research from the University of South Florida shows poor sleep is associated with a threefold increase in the risk of heart disease.
Staff Reports,
February 25, 2022
If you want to live longer you should probably eat less.
Study participants who completed a two-year calorie restriction program saw unexpected improvements in immune function that are associated with longevity.
Staff Reports,
February 21, 2022
It only takes a little time to see big gains in strength.
Researchers from Australia and Japan found significant strength gains can be made with just three seconds of exercise per day.
Staff Reports,
February 14, 2022