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Obesity is Making Cancer More Prevalent in Younger Adults

It's never too early to be concerned about the effects of obesity on children

Another devastating consequence of the obesity epidemic in America is that cancer is becoming more prevalent in young adults. That is the finding of a research study conducted by Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.

, April 02, 2018

Fasting is Good for the Heart

A 5:2 diet showed exciting results for a number of reasons

Study participants who used intermittent fasting to lose weight were able to clear triglyceride from the blood quicker after a meal than those who lost weight by calorie restriction alone according to researchers at the University of Surrey.

, March 26, 2018

Physically Fit Women Can Ward Off Dementia

The surprising results of this study show a dramatically lower risk of dementia for physically fit women

Women with a high level of physical fitness at middle age were 88 percent less likely to develop dementia later in life when compared with women whose fitness level was labeled moderate according to a new study published in the online journal Neurology.

, March 19, 2018

Targeting Gut Bacteria to Fight Autoimmune Disease

Researchers have found a link between autoimmune disease and the gut microbiome

Targeting certain gut bacteria can suppress autoimmune disease according to new research at Yale University. Scientists found bacteria in the small intestines of humans and mice that can travel to organs and cause an autoimmune response, which researchers were able to stop through the use of antibiotics.

, March 12, 2018

Chronic Depression Linked to Low Amino Acid Level

This research shows those battling depression may be deficient in a specific amino acid

Arginine is an amino acid readily found in turkey, chicken, soybeans and peanuts, but it is in low supply in those who are chronically depressed according to researchers from the University of Eastern Finland. The body uses arginine to produce nitric oxide, which boosts the immune system and helps improve blood flow.

, March 05, 2018

Balancing the Immune Response to Tame Allergic Reactions

Food allergies are a serious concern for some but this study shows there is hope for optimism

Food allergies can be a life-threatening situation, but new research shows the danger could be mitigated by changing the body’s immune response. Scientists at Duke Health were able to reprogram the immune system of mice by using nanoparticles to deliver molecules to the lymph nodes that kept the mice from experiencing symptoms from exposure.

, February 26, 2018

Better Physical Fitness Linked to Better Mental Fitness

If you want to keep your brain in shape this study suggests you need to keep your body in shape

Another study has shown the positive link between physical fitness and brain fitness, leading researchers to believe exercise could be a critical ingredient in preventing Alzheimer’s disease. Scientists at the University of Texas Southwestern have found evidence that a low fitness level results in more rapid deterioration of important brain nerve fibers.

, February 19, 2018

How Your Smart Phone Can Help Reverse Diabetes

Your smartphone can now be used as a weapon in the fight against diabetes

The results of a new study conducted by Virta Health in conjunction with Purdue University and others shows how remote monitoring of participants through the use of a mobile app was instrumental in helping them reverse Type 2 diabetes. To be specific, the phone was not the catalyst for the reversal but it was a big aid in keeping volunteers on track.

, February 12, 2018

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